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Brian Biggs NC House District 70


If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3

My Story

Thank you for your interest in my campaign for District 70 NC House Representative.  Over the last decade we’ve witnessed a steep decline in societal norms with an unprecedented attack against common sense,  wholesomeness and moral decency. We’ve seen our police officers go from heroes to villains in the eyes of some groups. We’ve watched the nuclear family change before our eyes and watched in disbelief as our constitutional right of religious freedom was stripped away when houses of worship were barred from opening. 
These and countless other circumstances and stories making headlines locally and nationally have sparked a drive within me to stand up, protect and push back the agendas and momentum of those who seek to undermine the foundations that built our nation and our great state of North Carolina.


In 2014, I took a stand for the families of North Carolina when I was elected to the Randolph County Board of Education. Over the years, I have worked to hold back the curricula of the far left, voted for responsible budgeting and advocated for safer schools. Now, I see a need and feel a responsibility to put the same hard work and convictions to work for Randolph County on a broader stage.


North Carolina’s Constitution was written to protect the rights of North Carolinians and our basic, yet most precious needs. I have made a short list referencing just a few of the key points that matter to me that I promise to safeguard while pushing for a better, brighter future for our district and our state as a whole.


  • Faith & Religious Freedoms: As the son of a minister,  my character and life has been shaped by Church, Faith and Religious freedom.  I will strive to uphold those constitutional rights for every resident of Randolph County and the people of our state at large.

  • The Nuclear Family:  Whether it be state taxes, public school curriculum, laws that affect our place of employment or prohibit our right to do business- I will be looking out for Randolph County and the place that matters most….HOME.

  • Property Rights: For the past 20 years I have been a Real Estate broker specializing in commercial and industrial listings. I understand planning, zoning and economic development. I will put my experience to work for our community and work for a better future for Randolph County and its residents.

  • Military: Both active duty and retired service members will be given highest honors and protection on my watch.


Together, we can protect these foundations of our constitution and the foundations of our livelihood! 


Media Coverage

Brian Biggs' campaign has been gaining local and national recognition. Check out our media section below to read the latest news highlights. If you're a member of the press and would like to gain access to our campaign, contact us today.

Meet Brian Biggs and the Team


Out on the Campaign Trail


Brian Biggs N.C. House Interview Highlights


Hundreds Attend Brian Biggs Rally


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